Who is learning to train the horses?

Rarely do I post a link on this website to an article that I didn’t write, but i was so impressed with this one from Horse Sport that I felt it should be passed along.

Lesley Grant Law (married to 2004 Olympic eventing gold medalist Leslie Law) expresses the concern we all should have about the trend for horse sports to be increasingly for the wealthy, leaving backyard equestrians in the dust–if they even stay in the game.

Those who have to train their own horses, rather than buying a ready-made animal for six figures or more, are the ones who become true horsemen and horsewomen. But where do they fit in as the sport gets increasingly expensive

Lesley’s husband, a native of Great Britain, is the U.S. Equestrian Federation eventing developing rider coach, so he and his wife are quite in tune with horse world trends. Here is the link to a very good read.