U.S. show jumpers take a step toward the Paris Olympics

It required a jump-off in Mexico, but the U.S. team won the Western Hemisphere’s first Nations Cup that is a qualifier for the Barcelona final this fall. Because of different sponsorship, the March Nations Cup in Welllington, Fla., (won by Canada) doesn’t count for the final.

Why is Barcelona such a big goal? One team from that final will qualify for Paris, which the U.S. has yet to do. And if it doesn’t happen in Barcelona, the last chance is the Pan American Games in Chile shortly thereafter. But who wants to wait for the last minute to qualify?

The team of Laura Kraut, Kent Farrington, Jessie Springsteen and Bliss Heers tied with Mexico after the first round, where Laura was the only rider in the competition to go double clear. It boiled down to a jump-off between Mexico’s Eugenio Garza Perez on Contago and Laura on Baloutinue. The Mexican rider was clear for the tiebreaker in 42.13 seconds, but Laura blazed around in 39.43 seconds to take the win.

Coach Robert Ridland was understandably exuberant.

“It was amazing. We almost went rider for rider with Mexico the entire time, which made for an incredible competition,” he said.

“By the time Laura went, we knew that we would probably be in a jump-off,” said Robert.

“The course was excellent. It was going to be a major test but also doable, but they didn’t lower the standards at all, and it was a real course. By the results, any Nations Cup that only has only one double-clear combination means it was tough.

“It was an amazing Nations Cup. It was a fantastic venue, and they’re wonderful hosts. There’s a lot on the line this year, and it was so gratifying that when we had our call to arms at the beginning of the year. Everyone, including our athletes, owners, and staff, came forward to make this happen. We have a great support team behind us.”