Tewksbury Trail pace is fun for everyone

by | Sep 5, 2024 | On the rail | 0 comments

The Tewksbury Trail Association has one of the best trail paces in New Jersey. It caters to riders of all levels and ages at Christy Hoffman Farm Park on Fairmount Road West in Califon Sept. 15 from 8 a.m.-12:30 p.m.

Participants will go across open fields and forest trails, experience water crossings and have the option of taking jumps if they wish. There are four divisions: Open and 90-plus (adding up the age of the participants) and Trail Pace and Pleasure Pace.

“We have developed a seven-mile-plus course with a trail and pleasure pace option that will accommodate riders of all levels”, Jeannie Shuster, president of the TTA, explained.

“This year, we have opened a few new sections of our TTA trail network, allowing us to introduce our riders to an even wider variety of our beautiful trails.”

Gia-Raquel Esposito, TTA vice president, noted, “In addition to ribbons, we will again have a great selection of prizes for all divisions. All TTA-members will enjoy a discount on the registration fee. And we will have a special TTA Trail Pace 2024 T-shirt for the participants” on a first-come, first-serve basis.

An equine veterinarian will be on hand during the event.

For more information, go to the new TTA website: www.tta-nj.org