Remembering Mike Polaski

“The nicest guy” is the way friends characterized Mike Polaski, who was well-known on the horse show circuit and in thoroughbred circles as well.

A self-made man “who lived life to the fullest,” Mike died Sept. 10 at age 76 after being hospitalized for a stroke. Starting as a blue-collar worker, he went on to be an insurance salesman and then began his own highly successful insurance company, Specialty Underwriters. He also owned numerous restaurants over the years, as well as being involved with breeding horses and cattle.

Mike Polaski.

The 30-year sponsorship of his Hidden Creek Farm furthered the career of show jumper Margie Goldstein Engle, who rode horses he bred and owned everywhere from numerous grands prix to international championships.

Among the best known of his jumpers were Hidden Creek’s Laurel and Hidden Creek’s Alvaretto, who made him the only owner to take the American Grand Prix Association and American Horse Shows Association Horse of the Year titles in the same year. Hidden Creek’s Cuervo Gold was part of the 2006 silver medal team at the FEI World Equestrian Games at Aachen in 2006. Hidden Creek’s Perin won a team gold and individual bronze at the Pan American Games and finished in top 10 at the 2000 Olympics.

“I was fortunate to have quite a few nice owners, but he was one of the best,” said Margie.

“His big thing was he wanted everyoneto have a nice time. He was a fun person to be around, very gregarious. He lived life to the fullest, there wasn’t any grass growing under his feet. He always liked to do things for charities and other people.”

Trainer Tom Wright observed, “He would give the shirt off his back if you were lucky enough to be his friend.”

Mike started riding to follow his pointer dogs while hunting, then went on to buy a horse, a farm and began showing. He also had racehorses with trainer Michael Matz, a former show jumper.

Being involved in church-based charity efforts in Africa and Eastern Europe was important in Mike’s life, and he financed construction of a children’s hospital in Kenya.

Viewing will be held Sept. 28 at 3 p.m. followed by a 5 p.m. memorial service at 414 Church, 1672 77th St. West Allis, Wisc.

He is survived by his wife, Catherine Jerene Polaski; children Michael John (Dreama) Polaski, Jennifer Anne (Jose) McFarland, and Sarah Marie (Joseph) McLean; grandchildren Madison (Victor) Magalhaes, Seth Polaski, Eddie McFarland, Lola McFarland, Ava McLean, Bret McLean and Graham McLean, as well as a great-grandchild, “Baby” Magalhaes.

In lieu of flowers, contributions in his memory may be made to Reach 7, P.O. Box 658, 200 E. Centennial Drive, Oak Creek, WI 53154, or through Venmo.