Mason and Lincoln deliver their hat trick–twice!

Heather Mason and Lincoln RTF won the Open Grand Prix for the third consecutive time during the US Dressage Finals Presented by Adequan® at the Kentucky Horse Park in Lexington, and wrapped up the 18-year-old horse’s career with their third victory in the Grand Prix Freestyle as well.

It is the final show together for the winners, who earned 69.203 percent in the Grand Prix to finish 0.8 percent ahead of Shelley Van Den Neste and Eyecatcher. Nora Batchelder and Faro SQF were third on 68.007 percent.

In the Saturday Freestyle, Lincoln was marked at 74.942 percent (loved the one-handed pirouette). Shelley and Nora switched places from the Grand Prix, Nora was reserve champ in the Freestyle with 74.733 percent that came close to Heather’s total; Shelley got 71.525 percent.

Of Lincoln, Heather said after the Grand Prix, “He was a little bit tricky to ride but very good and did what he needed to do.

“It was a nice last Grand Prix for him. He was getting a bit hot at times and a little bit normal at times, switching back and forth, so when he does that, I have to be really tuned into him.”

She really enjoyed his last victory pass, letting him go in an uncharacteristic way.

“I’m happy because he had two really good rides at the show, and it’s nice to go out while he’s strong,” said Mason.

“I finally let him do what he’s always wanted to do in the prize-giving, which is run. I’ve never done that before because he always gets really hot and then I’m worried about the next test, but this time I didn’t have to worry about that. He’s really been amazing.”

Heather Mason and Lincoln on their way to Grand Prix glory. (Photo by Susan J.

That comment cover a lot of ground.

“He can be many different ways in a test,” the Lebanon, N.J., rider explained.

“I’ve been riding this horse for a very long time, and I have no idea what makes him one way or the other. He can start dead quiet and then rev up, or start hot and then calm down — there’s no telling. I just have to be ready to ride eight variations at all times; it’s like having eight grand prix horses in one.”

Mason bought Lincoln as a foal, then sold him. She kept in touch with the owner and ended up buying him back for $1 when the new owner had to have a hip replacement.

She has built a relationship with the quirky son of L’Andiamo, carefully managing him with longeing, patience and custom-built thigh blocks on her saddle to help withstand his lightning-fast spins.

Another New Jersey rider, Lauren Chumley of Pittstown, was a winner with Leeloo Dallas in the Open Prix St. Georges championship, the only one among 21 starters to score more than 70 percent–on a mare who is just seven years old.

“My horse is awesome. She’s just a baby but she’s absolutely amazing,” said Lauren, marked at 70.833 percent.

She warmed Leeloo Dallas up for just 15 minutes before the test and then thought, ‘Let’s go!’ and she went. She rocked on.”

Lauren’s mare is by the Ravel son Gaspard De La Nuit DG and out of a Negro dam. The professional trainer selected her from a video when she was a foal.

“I bought her because she was little and black with four white socks, and I could afford her,” said Lauren, who trains with Michael Bragdell.

“She is born, bred, and trained in America. All the horses out of her dam are so rideable. They’re easy, smart, and sensitive but not stupid.”

For all results from the show, click on this link. For just the Grand Prix Freestyle Results, click here