Learn about minimally invasive surgery for your horse

Laparoscopy, the “keyhole” surgery technique that is minimally invasive, is the topic of the Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine’s first Equine Seminar of the Fall 2024 semester on Sept. 17.

Dr. Rebecca McOnie, instructor in the section of Large Animal Surgery at the Cornell University Hospital for Animals, will describe the advantages of laparoscopy and highlight the candidates for this type of surgery that can avoid a major operation under certain circumstances.

The seminar will cover the limitations of laparoscopy, and when and why to consider laparoscopy for your horse. Dr. McOnie is a linical Instructor finishing a fellowship in large animal soft tissue minimally invasive surgery.

This presentation is part of the Cornell Equine Seminar Series, and will be held from 6-7 p.m. Eastern Time via Zoom. Register in advance at https://bit.ly/ESS-Sept2024