Come to a celebration of life for a beloved trainer

The late Debbie Haimowitz will be remembered May 13 in a celebration of her life at the U.S. Equestrian Team Foundation in Gladstone, N.J. Everyone who knew her is invited to attend, and asked to bring their best stories about her.

The open house runs from 1-8 p.m., with speakers beginning at 4 p.m. An RSVP is required by May 7. Call Jonna Gaston at 845-893-2364 or email her at

Deb Haimowitz

Debbie, who died of cancer in February, was “an extraordinary person whose determination to teach us surpassed even our own expectations, a human who wouldn’t let the student quit until they felt or understood even a mere second, a moment, of a concept,” Jonna commented.

“Deb’s perseverance both on and off a horse was exceptional in a patient, kind and feeling manner, she continued to coax you to another level you didn’t know was possible.”