Science and celebration will join forces at Rutgers in November

The keynote address at the Rutgers Equine Science Center’s Evening of Science & Celebration will be “Welfare over Triumphs: Protecting the Juvenile Performance Horse.”

The speaker at the Nov. 9 gathering in New Brunswick is Dr. Jessica Leatherwood from Tarleton State University in Texas. Her presentation will focus on her years of research into the health and safety of the young performance horse, but won’t be centered on any particular breed or discipline. The talk will cover some of the most up-to-date guidelines and recommendations for the upkeep and management of young growing performance horses.

The Evening of Science and Celebration, which runs from 6-9 p.m. is an opportunity to unite equine professionals, horse owners, farm owners and barn managers, educators and students, 4-H members and all equine enthusiasts for the purpose of learning about current projects and ongoing research initiatives being conducted at the Equine Science Center. The Center addresses horse industry issues and challenges through sound science and research.

Leatherwood joined Tarleton State University earlier this year as a faculty member in the Department of Animal Sciences, serving as an associate professor and graduate coordinator. She received her Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Ph.D. from Texas A&M University in Animal Sciences; with her graduate programming focusing on equine nutrition and physiology.

During her time at Texas A&M, Leatherwood co-developed an international horsemanship program providing opportunities for high-impact learning experiences and obtained funding for students to participate in international experiences by conducting four-day horsemanship clinics in Europe, Oceania, and South America. She hopes to develop a similar program for students at Tarleton State University.

Dr. Karyn Malinowski, founding director of the Equine Science Center, will give her yearly update on the state of the center, along with an overview of the last year’s accomplishments.

The evening will include research updates and presentations. Taylor Palmer Jr., owner and operator of Boxwood Farms in Englishtown, N.J., will be awarded the 2024 “Spirit of the Horse” award. It recognizes individuals whose lives have been profoundly changed because of their involvement with horses and who have given back to the horse industry.

Palmer focused on the fine details of harness racehorse breeding that embraced quality over quantity; increasing awareness of the horse industry in New Jersey, including the importance of preserved farmland and open space; and served as the founding chair of the Rutgers Equine Advisory Committee (now known as the Rutgers University Board for Equine Advancement (RUBEA).

“Taylor Palmer Jr. lives and breathes New Jersey Agriculture, devoting his and his family’s entire life to breeding the best Standardbred racehorses possible”, said Malinowski.

She noted that he has served New Jersey agriculture for decades with his involvement in the state Board of Agriculture, his commitment to supporting the Standardbred Breeders and Owners Association of New Jersey as treasurer, and as a proponent for the preservation of farmland in the Garden State.

“I am personally grateful for Taylor’s commitment to the Rutgers University Equine Science Center and its programs,” she said.

The event requires registration that can be made online at: