Time to chip your horse

The U.S. Equestrian Federation this week passed a rule calling for all horses competing in USEF licensed or endorsed competitions to be microchipped as of Dec. 1, 2025. The chip used must be a 15-digit ISO compliant 11784/11785 model that is implanted in the nuchal ligament of the horse’s neck.

The argument for this is that microchipping of horses is fundamental to equine well-being, especially during times of disease outbreaks, natural disasters, in cases of theft and to protect against fraud.

As of December 1, 2024,  all horses on the grounds of hunter, jumper, and hunter/jumper competitions must have a competition-issued back number either attached to the horse or to the person riding, handling, or exercising the horse at all times while in a schooling, longeing or exercise area. The requirement, originally proposed by USHJA, represents a safety measure, and will aid significantly in identification and well-being efforts on the part of both horses and humans.

In the same vein, longeing a visibly exhausted or obviously lame horse; and excessive, disruptive, or otherwise inappropriate use of a longe whip was added to the list of prohibited acts under the horse welfare rules for hunters, jumpers, and hunter/jumping seat equitation