Mylestone Equine Rescue in Warren County, N.J., has an opportunity to raise $40,000 to help pay for the care of its horses via a match program involving two donors. The organization cares for neglected, abused and unwanted horses.
If $20,000 in donations come in by the end of April, the donors will match that amount.The majority of funds will go toward caring for the rescue horses, while another portion will be used to help other horses in need through Myllestone’s Equine Relief Fund.
As SusanKelly Thompson who runs Mylestone points out, “Just in the past couple of months, our vet bills have been over $9,000, so the funds are a necessity to providing long-term care for our rescue horses. In addition, we are paying 30 percent to 40 percent more for hay alone, so these funds help in feed costs as well.” That’s something every horse owner can understand these days.
On Saturday April 29 from 10 a.m.-3 p.m., Horsemen’s Outlet in Lebanon, N.J., will be hosting a tack swap, bake sale, and other in-store fundraisers to help Mylestone reach its match. The Help a Horse Day is now the biggest annual fundraiser for the Mylestone horses.
Donations must be marked “match” on checks. If donating through PayPal, let Mylestone know it is for the match.F For more information, go to